
Ongoing Stories

Monday, November 3, 2014

The Journey Girls at the Beach

Kyla, Dana, Meredith, and Kelsey Spend a Day in the Sand

 The girls decided that before the weather gets too cold, they would go to the beach one more time.  It was a beautiful day, with lots to do.

Meredith playing the sand
Meredith started building a sand castle.  When Kelsey saw her building the castle she came over to Meredith.  "That looks like fun.  Can I help you build the sand castle?", asked Kelsey.

"Sure," said Meredith with a smile.  "We should make it really big!"

"Let's get Dana and Kyla to help," suggested Kelsey.  
They hollered to Dana and Kyla and they all helped each other build a castle at the edge of the water.

Meredith, Dana, Kelsey, and Kyla building a sand castle.
 "Wow!  That is an awesome castle!" exclaimed Dana.

"Yeah," replied Kyla, "It really is cool.  I think I'm done with sand castle building…I'm going to go look for sea shells."  So Kyla let the other three girls and walked along the lake shore to look for sea shells.
Kyla walks along the lake shore looking for shells.
She spots some in the sand and starts digging.  These are really pretty!

Kyla finds some sea shells.
Meanwhile Kelsey decided to play with the beach ball for awhile.

Kelsey playing at the beach.
While Dana relaxed in the sun.

Dana catching some rays!
After awhile it got too hot in the sun and Dana decided to go swimming.  She wasn't a very good swimmer yet, so she brought her left vest.  She puts on her goggles hoping to see some fish as she is swimming.

Dana in her goggles

Dana wading out into the water.
Kelsey has a different idea about being in the lake.  She gets her lounger and takes a nice leisurely float around for awhile.  There is nothing better than floating around the lake on a nice sunny day.

Kelsey relaxing on her lounger

Kelsey loves floating around the lake

Oh, what a beautiful day!

Meredith decides to join Kelsey and Dana in the water.  She has brought a ring to swim in.  She wades out into the water before plunging in and floating on her back.  She decides to go out a little deeper in the water.  She kicks out until she's past the point that her toes can touch the bottom.

Meredith wades into the water.

Meredith floating on her back.

Meredith goes out until she can't touch the bottom, then decides to come back in to shore.
Meredith decides that's far enough and comes back in to shore.  The other girls follow her.  They sit on the shore for a few minutes drying off in the warm sun.

"This has been a great day," says Meredith.

"This has been an awesome day!" Kyla says smiling.  Everyone agrees.

What's everyone wearing?

Kelsey is wearing the Journey Girls swimsuit from the London line.
Meredith is wearing an old Journey Girls bikini.
Kyla is wearing a swimsuit from the Springfield Collection.
Dana is wearing the swimsuit from the Our Generation set that I reviewed.


  1. *From Julie's Doll mom:*

    I see you actually put one of your dolls in the water. Didn't she get ruined? She's not an AG doll, so you can't take off her head and clean out the stuffing and body, or can you?

  2. I did put her in the water. Afterwards I washed her with a mild detergent rinsed her out really well, and then let her sit by my dehumidifier for a week to make sure that she was completely dry. This seems to work really well. Even the shoulder joints had a little water in them, but it seems to have been eliminated. No odor or mildew so far…and that was 3 months ago.

    Meredith has a twin that is played with…this one is my shoot doll (I bought her from Goodwill). So there isn't as much worry of ruining a little girls favorite doll.

  3. Beautiful photos! I love the one of her lounging on the raft ;)

  4. Thanks! I had a lot of fun. Although Kelsey kept trying to float away on me!

  5. Kelsey playing with the ball at the beach is a great shot!

    Was it har to get that shot timed right?

  6. Thanks Becky. Kelsey was a good sport with the ball. No problems at all.

  7. My daughter and I love what you have done with your blog, your creativity, photography and story-telling. We are pinning you like crazy! We also enjoy photographing her (our) Journey Girl dolls and trying to create fun settings for them. You have raised the bar REALLY high, but we will try to be original. =) Thank you for clean, fun content!
    Janet (Grace's mom)
