
Ongoing Stories

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Dana in Her "Sweet Strawberry" Outfit

Our Generation's New Outfit

A few weeks ago Our Generation came out with six new outfits, one of the outfits is called “Sweet Strawberry.” This is the outfit that we are looking at today. The outfit is one of the normal outfits which means it's comes in at about $12.99. The fairly simple outfit includes overall style jean shorts, a simple green T-shirt with dragonflies on it, plastic shoes, a strawberry shaped leather purse, and sunglasses.

The overall shorts are made very well. The jean material is thick and has good stitching. The top of the overalls has a heart-shaped pocket that is open so your dolls can put things in it. The overalls straps crisscross in the back then go over Dana’s shoulders, and attach to the vest with metal, slip through buttons. The shorts are large on Dana, but only around the waist. However, the length of the shorts is perfect.

The T-shirt as mentioned before is very simple. It's a nice mint green with fireflies all over it. It's very short-sleeved almost like a tank top rather than a T-shirt. There is Velcro up the back to make it easier to get on.

The shoes that come with this outfit are the standard shoes that always come with the regular outfits for Our Generation. They're just red plastic and have a little white soul. Nothing special but it goes well with this outfit

The sunglasses that come with the outfit are similar to many other Our Generation sunglasses. There is a rim at the top of the glasses, but nothing at the bottom. A semi-rimless pair of glasses. Again nothing different than what we have seen with other outfits, but a nice addition to this one.

The thing that caught my eye when I was looking at the set is the strawberry purse. It's a cute fake leather purse with a long strap, hanging down by the dolls hips rather than up at their midsection. The purse is perfectly shaped like a strawberry with green leaves at the top of it. The green leafy part opens up so that you can put things inside of the purse. There's a little piece of Velcro to help keep it closed when you want it to.

All ratings are out of 10

Value 8 – Overall this outfit is worth the money. The jean shorts/overalls are wonderful. Even after washing the jeans there is no fraying that sometimes plague Our Generation outfits. The shoes would be nicer if they were cloth but it's to be expected that we get little plastic shoes with this price of outfit. That being said, the shoes do go very well with the outfit and look cute. The strawberry purse is awesome!

Fitment 6 – Like many Our Generation outfits this one is loose on Dana. The shirt is not too bad, but the overalls/shorts are definitely big around her waist. They are the right length but are much too wide at Dana’s hips. The shoes are obviously too wide, but do fit her feet okay, like all other our generation shoes.

Versatility 8 – The outfit has a few pieces that can be used with other outfits. The T-shirt is definitely able to go with almost any outfit. The shorts overalls are a wonderful addition that can be used with almost any other shirt. Because the shoes are kind of the standard issue, obviously they could be used with many outfits but you're probably going to want to use some nicer shoes rather than these little plastic ones. The strawberry purse is so much fun, it goes with many different outfits, especially if you want it to be kind of a playful outfit. And the sunglasses are nice. The light pink on top can go with many outfits also.

Cuteness 8 – Such a simple outfit, but so cute. The colors are great. Nice to have a different color top, not pink or purple. The purse makes this outfit even more cute! The overalls are very cute, especially with the heart pocket in the front.

Overall 8 – This outfit is well worth the money. It's made well and it has great versatility. It's well worth picking up if you see it, especially for the price. And if you can get it on sale it's even better. You may want to switch out the shoes, but honestly even with the shoes this is still a great little outfit. It can be used for school outfits or playing outside and the little heart shaped pocket is just so darn cute. Pick this up when you see it at Target


  1. That is such am excellent outfit!! I just love how playful it looks! :) Great quick review, I really enjoyed reading :D
    Lydia's Dolls @
