
Ongoing Stories

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Kelsey's Christmas Present

Kelsey Opens Her New Our Generation Mini Doll

Our family tradition is to open gifts from one another on Christmas eve.  Kelsey has been waiting patiently to see what the package under the tree with her name on it is.  She hopes it is something fun!

Kelsey waits patiently to open her gift.  She is wearing a dress from the Espari line.
What could it be?  Is it a new outfit? Some shoes? a new toy?

Kelsey starts to rip open the wrapping paper.

Can't let the bow go to waste!

Almost there….what is it?

Oooo….a new doll!  Yea!

Look at my new doll!  She has red hair and freckles, just like me!

Oh…she is so cute!

I love her!

Thank you so much!  Kelsey plays with her new doll, very happy with her gift.
I hope that all of you have a great holiday season.  Be Merry…be thankful…and enjoy the people around you!  Happy Holidays!!!

Kelsey is wearing an outfit from the Espari line from Barnes and Noble.  Her new doll (Lana) is from the Our Generation line at Target.


  1. Really beautiful sweet photos! I love the freckles you put on her...what a stunning doll! Your gorgeous blog has made me want to collect all of the JG dolls...they should hire you to advertise for them :). Merry Christmas to you as well. :)

  2. Farrah Lily,

    Thank you for the nice comments! I hope to post about how I made Kelsey's freckles after the holidays. The JG dolls are awesome! I don't think you will be disappointed if you add some to your collection. Thanks again!


  3. Redheads for redheads! Yay! Happy Christmas to you all!

  4. A girl and her dollsJanuary 4, 2015 at 2:34 PM

    wow, you are a great photographer!
    I really like your blog:)

    1. Thank you very much. I hope you'll come back and check us out again!

  5. Oh my gosh! These pictures are too beautiful!!:D

    1. Thanks Emma. I love these photos. They turned out really nice.

      I like your blog. You have really great creativity!

  6. I love your scenes, but this Christmas series is really cute, it's one of my favorites (although I like everything in your blog!).
