
Ongoing Stories

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Kelsey at Millennium Park

Kelsey's Adventure Begins at Millennium Park

Kelsey wakes up early (a little too early) in the morning, excited to get out and see the great city of Chicago. She eats breakfast and suits up for the day.  It's only 20 degrees out, so she makes sure that her coat is zipped all the way up and that she has her scarf be fore she heads out. 

One of the first things that Kelsey sees at Millennium park is the band shell.  It is awesome!  "I wish it was summer, so we could hear some music," she says.  

But as quick as the thought comes on she is off to the next sight...the big bean!!!  The Bean is so simple and so wonderful at the same time. 

It's a huge jelly bean shaped mirror, that reflects the city and everything in it.  It is Kelsey's favorite place of the whole trip.  She takes a picture in front of it, then sends it to the other girls with a "Miss you!" text attached.

" cool is this thing!" Kelsey is in awe of the bean as she reaches up to touch her own reflection.  "Oo! It's super cold.  Do not lick that...your tongue will totally stick to it," she says laughing.

Kelsey admires the huge video faces.  Some of them make her laugh.  These huge faces are projected onto clear glass blocks that look like ice.  I tell her that in the summer these sculptures shoot water at you, but that right now they are turned off.  Very cool!

Kelsey stops by the entrance to the park to get her picture taken with the city in the background.  Then it's off to the garden area.  A lot of the garden's are closed off because of the cold, but she gets to see a little bit of it.

The walking bridge to the other side of Millennium Park is a windy silver bridge.  Kelsey loves the design of the bridge.  It's so different and neat.  I snap a photo of he walking down the bridge.

One last stop at the bean before we head back to the hotel.  21 degrees is okay, but the city is living up to it's windy name...and that wind is bitter cold!

Kelsey takes a few photos of the bean and of Millennium park then it's back to the hotel to warm up.  Plus she's got to stop and try some Chicago deep dish pizza!

Kelsey is excited to see what tomorrow will bring…but today she is ready for some food, some rest, and some warmth.  Chicago is a lot colder than Kelsey thought it would be.

Check back later for more of Kelsey's Windy City adventure!


  1. Awesome photos-the first one of her in front of the big bean is gorgeous! Have a great trip! (Hope it's not too windy) :)

  2. Kelsey is so adorable! She looks like she had a super fun day in Chicago.

    1. Ellie,
      Thanks. Kelsey's first day was awesome! Stay tuned for more adventures as the week gets started!

  3. Ooh, nice pics!!
    I love that bean, it looks so big compared to a doll!

  4. I live in Chicago and I'm glad you came to visit. :)
