
Ongoing Stories

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Kelsey Roaming Around Chicago

Museum's and More with Kelsey

Ohhh…sad face.  Kelsey is a little bit bummed that it is her last day in Chicago, but she is excited to spend her last day going to the Museum of Science and Industry and the Art Institute of Chicago.  The weather is warmer today, it actually feels almost warm with the sun out.  

Kelsey is excited to see what is at the museum.  There is always so much to see at museums.  She wonders what she will find at this one.

The museum is huge!  There are three floors of art.  Kelsey starts out in a room that has miniature rooms.  Each room is only a few feet by a few feet.  They are not even big enough for a Barbie doll.  The rooms are amazing…they have chandeliers, chairs, couches, food, books…everything.  There are even rooms with little tapestries.  Kelsey's favorite is a little room that has a lit up Eiffel Tower out the window.  Kelsey hopes that some day she will get a chance to go to Paris.

Kelsey walks through the museum until she comes to a room of impressionism artists.  One of her favorite artists, Monet has some paintings displayed here.  She loves looking at his lily pad paintings.  Her favorite paintings are of a bridge in London, called "Waterloo Bridge" and one of some people walking by  seaside cliff titled "Cliff Walk at Pourville".  They are such beautiful paintings.  Soft and light…Kelsey is sure that Kyla would love to see these paintings.  Kelsey just hopes she can travel more and see some of these beautiful sights.

Kelsey sees as much of the museum as she wants to, before heading out to the Science and Industry Museum.  As she goes, she stops at a church.  Kelsey loves the arches of the entryway.  They are gorgeous.  "I wonder how they built this place?  How did they make those arches?"  Sometimes some of the most beautiful things aren't in museums. 

After spending some time exploring the outside of the church, Kelsey heads off to the Museum of Science and Industry.  The museum building is huge.  It's four times bigger than the Institute of Arts building.  She can't wait to see what is inside the museum.

"Oh my gosh!!!  Look at those planes!" Kelsey exclaims.  She points in awe at the bi-plane hanging from the ceiling.  "Those are amazing!" She decides to look around before going up to see the planes.  Kelsey forgets about the planes as she comes around the corner and sees a huge train display.  There is a replica of the city of Chicago, complete with an elevated train and subway.

The train goes into the Chicago train yard, then out into the country, tracing the train's route all the way to Seattle.  Kelsey loves all of the detail in the display…the little towns, the cars, the people in kayaks on the river.  So cool!  She feels like she could stay here all day, but there is way more to see at the museum.

Kelsey explores the other wings of the museum.  There is an area about the human body.  Kelsey is fascinated to see the displays showing the real human bodies that had been plasticized.  She can see all the muscles and veins.  It is neat…and a little creepy.  Kelsey takes some extra time looking at an incubator with chicken eggs in it.  There are little beaks poking out of some of the eggs.  In an adjacent incubator there are some chicks that have been born recently.  They are soooo cute!  Kelsey wishes that she could hold one of those fluffy little chicks.

Kelsey's last stop in the museum is the science area.  This area is so much fun!!! She can actually do some experiments about magnetism, or learn about gravity, or how elements behaves.  She loves the water experiment.  She can control the bobbing motion that effects the ripple pattern in the water.  It created a beautiful pattern on the floor below.

The other thing she thought was really cool was two hour glasses that had different particles in them, with different density liquids.  Kelsey loved watching the particles swirl down through the liquid.  It is mesmerizing and fascinating.

Kelsey looks around a little more, then heads back to the hotel.  Tomorrow will be time to go home.  She has really enjoyed her time here in Chicago.  She has seen so many amazing things.  Kelsey hopes to come back sometime in the summer, maybe see more of the city, go by the lake.  Kelsey is so excited to travel more.  She wonders where she will go next.


  1. Awesome photostory! I love all of your photos and that miniature train display is just amazing. It's nice to see snippets of Chicago as I have never been. :) Did it snow at all out there?

    1. Thanks Farrah!
      It snowed a little...only about an inch or so. Just enough to make driving difficult.
      You should go to Chicago. It is cool. Go during the summer though. It is cold in the winter!!!

  2. A girl and her dollsFebruary 25, 2015 at 5:58 PM

    wow, that is so cool. I love the photostory and I have been to a lot of those places. Monet is one of my faves too! Really cool stuff in the science center. Beautiful!

  3. Kelsey looks like she had so much fun! :) And her outfit is dang cute.

    - Ellie

  4. Beautiful pictures! I love Kelsey's outfit!!
